Enjoy the multiple benefits of acupuncture without the pain of needles. This acupuncture pen combines modern technology and traditional healing . Using the principles of meridian therapy , it applies pressure to different points of the body to restore energy balance, relieve pain and promote healing. The pen does not use needles and therefore does not pierce the skin, making it safe for everyone to use at home. It also does not contain any harmful chemicals. This massage pen is suitable for family use.
Benefit from different types of massages with the same pen. The device has 5 interchangeable massage heads (spheroidal, tapping, scraping, facial beauty and nodal point). The spheroidal head is used to reduce pain in targeted areas such as the back and shoulders. The so-called tapping head is also used for pain relief for a wider spectrum of areas. Scraping is intended to improve blood circulation, while the nodal point allows you to target and reduce the mass of nodules. Finally, the facial treatment head is desired for massaging delicate areas of your face without pulling on the skin.
This all-in-one device is your partner for health and facial care. The acupuncture pen has three main functions : Relieving your body, targeting and stimulating meridian areas and providing beauty treatments. Frequent use of an acupressure pen regulates your body's balance and metabolism . According to traditional Chinese medicine, meridians are channels in the human body that must be stimulated to promote better circulation of the energy produced by the body. Finally, the acupuncture pen offers skin and facial care with a massage function which helps eliminate dark circles and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
The acupuncture massage pen is convenient to use. It is powered by one AA battery (not included). To start using it, simply press the on/off button. It has a digital screen that indicates the intensity . Press the button to adjust the intensity from 0 (weakest) to 9 (strongest). The massage pen also has a three-second auto-off function to save battery power when not in use. To change the massage head, simply unscrew and screw the head of your choice.
A compact format (18 cm), and very light, the energy acupuncture pen will follow you wherever you go. Put it in your pocket, backpack or purse to take it with you while traveling, on vacation or to the office. With this physiotherapy device, enjoy a therapeutic massage anytime and anywhere. As it runs on AA batteries, don't bother with an extra charger, you can also use rechargeable batteries.
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